The marketing of a piggy bank – complete freedom to the investor

The marketing of a piggy bank – complete freedom to the investor

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Investment projects with piggy bank marketing are an excellent example of how HYIPs have evolved over the last 4-5 years.

In this article, we will provide a detailed explanation of a specific type of investment project known as piggy banks.

Why do we constantly emphasize that piggy bank marketing is complete freedom for the investor? Let's delve into it.

Marketing Piggy Banks: How They Work, Advantages, and Disadvantages

In the hyip industry, the term «piggy bank» or «marketing piggy bank» means that the marketing of a particular project allows you to lock in a deposit according to certain rules.

Piggy banks can be either infinite or have a specified deposit duration, for example, 30 days, after which the deposit can be withdrawn without a fee.


  • The ability to withdraw the deposit almost at any time. This is the first advantage we will discuss in this type of marketing in hyips because it represents complete investor freedom. Of course, withdrawal rules may vary among projects, but piggy banks typically allow you to withdraw the deposit after just 1 day with a penalty ranging from -5% to -25%. It's worth noting that there are conditions that enable deposit withdrawal after 10 days or more, with gradually decreasing penalties based on the deposit's duration.
  • Relevance. Starting from 2018, projects with this type of marketing are becoming more common. By mid-2022, this marketing approach is found in almost every third, if not second, project.


  • Complex marketing from a project management perspective. Due to the fact that hyips operate on the principle of a financial pyramid, administrators don't always enjoy parting with invested money whenever an investor wishes to do so, plus they have to pay interest while the influx of new participants decreases.
  • The relevance of marketing doesn't guarantee success. In principle, this point can be considered both an advantage and a disadvantage. If you see a piggy bank marketing approach in a project, it doesn't necessarily mean that the admin will manage it well. In this case, the administration's experience in this area is crucial.

Examples of Hypes with Piggy Bank Marketing

It would be appropriate to provide several examples of the different types of piggy banks and how they operate.

  • BitAeon
  • Amc23
  • Revelates


We have prepared a series of recommendations for you that, in our opinion, will be useful when working with projects of this kind.

  • Do not invest your entire sum in one project. Despite the fact that this type of marketing implies the ability to withdraw your deposit at any convenient moment for the investor, it does not mean that the project will last forever. Otherwise, you risk losing everything. Allocate your funds among different projects to minimize risks.
  • Set a reasonable profit target. Try to assess the situation regarding the advertising campaign, ask yourself, «What net profit should I expect with such a daily percentage?» and set a profit target that will be sufficient for the time spent in the project.
  • Withdraw your funds as often as possible. This rule applies, of course, to every project, but don't forget to withdraw your earnings whenever the project allows you to do so to minimize the risk of losing your funds.

We also recommend several articles for beginners:


The marketing piggy bank, gaining popularity among administrators and investors, has become quite common compared to how it was 4-5 years ago. Hypes with such marketing are encountered more and more frequently, which is why we've written this article to provide beginners with the opportunity to understand the intricacies of working with such projects.

In this article, we've covered the definition of the term «piggy bank» in the hyip industry, the advantages and disadvantages of this type of marketing, provided several examples of such projects in action, and offered some recommendations to follow when participating in them.

Please share your experiences with projects using piggy bank marketing in the comments.

We hope that this article has been helpful to you. Wishing everyone successful and profitable investments!


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Comments (15)
  1. psv1964 20 September 2023 22:41

    Спасибо за статью! Опыт был разный в проектах с таким маркетингом. В большинстве случаев удачный. Копилка дает больше пространства для "маневра" инвестору. 

  2. Anzhel 1 December 2022 02:02

    Спасибо за статью 

  3. Lumin 4 October 2022 22:00

    С маркетингом копилка можно неплохо заработать, но конечно же все в руках админа.

  4. 4difeer666 15 July 2022 16:21

    Спасибо за статью!

  5. UdayAS8 13 July 2022 22:30

    Thanks for the interesting article Rich 

    Honestly, my favorite type is piggybanks cause the advantage of getting whenever you want can't be compared to anything else

  6. akimskate 6 July 2022 23:54

    Спасибо за статью! Копилки действительно могут очень хорошо отрабатывать, благодаря гибкому маркетингу, нужны только умелые руки админа, и желание работать на результат, а не на свой карман, как некоторые (я про Акса тут конкретно)

    1. richmonkey 11 July 2022 12:39

      Нам посчастливилось пропустить его два проекта последних, хотя он писал, не договорились по условиям рекламы, с залогом не захотел работать 

      1. akimskate 11 July 2022 15:22

        А я вот в оба пошел, поверил в админа называется, не думал что так дёшево свою репутацию сливать будет

        1. 4difeer666 15 July 2022 16:33

          Тоже пошел, хоть во второй раз уже и меньшей суммой, но все равно прилично потерял. Одна надежда на реву, вроде скоро должен выйти

          1. 4difeer666 1 May 2023 23:03

            Мератон знатно подруинил по итогу кстати

      2. UdayAS8 13 July 2022 22:36

        I went to the second one "Bitsate" cause i thought he won't destroy his reputation especially after the failure of his last one That very fast after the closure of AMC23. I think he should learn for Revelates and geniex admin who even if the deposit went very little can turn things up 

  7. Wael77 6 July 2022 14:50

    Thanks for the article and recommendations Admin!!

  8. Managerruslan 6 July 2022 11:34

    Хорошая статья :)

    Не очень люблю копилки, то теряю, то наоборот, выхожу раньше времени) В AMC23 и Defithree мог в разы больше заработать, но вышел быстро

    1. 4difeer666 1 May 2023 23:15

      Это нормально, в таких проектах и должна быть общая планка, после которой ты выходишь

    2. UdayAS8 16 May 2023 12:49

      leave ahead and catch some profit is better than counting the losses brother ;)


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