Review and Feedback on the Payeer Payment System

Review and Feedback on the Payeer Payment System

Table of Contents

Payeer is an international electronic payment system that offers: registration of a personal e-wallet, conducting various financial transactions, currency exchange, and making payments for goods and services online.

Register on Payeer

Payeer in HYIPs

Specifically for investors in the HYIP industry, Payeer is a powerful tool for dealing with financial operations in HYIPs. Payeer is one of the most popular and frequently used payment systems in the HYIP industry due to its user-friendly interface and extensive functionality.


This payment system has several advantages:

  • Anonymity. The system does not require verification. To use the service, it's enough to provide an email address. As an international payment system, it does not disclose user information to government bodies (opinions may vary).
  • Instant transfers. The system is actively used for international transactions, as it is quite popular worldwide. Financial operations are carried out instantly.
  • Transactions without registration. A system participant can transfer funds to an unregistered person. It's enough to specify their email address or mobile phone number. The recipient will receive an email or a message on their mobile phone with detailed instructions for receiving the funds.
  • Convenient interface. The resources of most anonymous systems cannot boast a simple and succinct design. Payeer stands out favorably among them, with an interface that is simple and intuitive.
  • Extensive functionality. In addition to financial transfers, the system offers the services of an exchange and a marketplace.
  • Reliable security system. The resource provides several ways of protection. The user can choose the most optimal one.
  • Convenient deposit and withdrawal of funds. A system participant can top up the balance or withdraw money in any of the 20 provided methods.
  • Bitcoin exchange available. If a user utilizes cryptocurrency, they can exchange it for any other currency.


The system has one significant drawback – high commission. For withdrawing funds to a bank card, the user will pay at least 2.99%+45₽ of the amount. The commission for transfers is considered acceptable, as it equals 0.5%, but if the HYIP has API connected, the commission will be 0.95% of the amount.

Operating Instructions

We have prepared detailed instructions for using the Payeer payment system, which includes account registration, as well as instructions for transferring money.

  • Registration
  • Instructions for transferring money within the system
  • Withdrawing funds


To prevent unauthorized access to your wallet, the system can send a special confirmation code before each login. You will be offered three methods of delivery: SMS message, email, and Telegram. Note that SMS dispatch is chargeable – $0.05.

For transaction security, the system offers to enable the "Master key" feature, which we also recommend you to activate.

Wallet Replenishment

Replenishing with electronic money incurs various commissions. Let's consider several of the most popular methods:

  • Bank cards – from 3.99%;
  • QIWI – 5.99%;
  • AdvCash – 1.99%;
  • Yandex.Money – 7.99%;
  • Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, etc. – 0%;
  • Replenishment via mobile operator – from 4.99%.

You can slightly reduce the commission for replenishment by using The resource will grade the offers and present the most favorable option.


Exchanging currencies in the local exchanger is not as profitable as on the market, but all operations are carried out instantly.

Navigate to the "Exchange" tab, select the necessary parameters, and execute the operation.


On the marketplace, users can exchange currency among themselves. You can buy or sell it, setting your own rate.

Account Verification

If you have small turnovers of funds, verification is not necessary for you. The only advantage of verification is that it removes the withdrawal limit of $2,000.

Affiliate Program

Payeer offers system participants to earn through the affiliate program, which has 6 levels. After registration, any user can earn money by inviting new people.

The referral link is available in the user's personal account. Use it in advertisements on websites or promote it in other ways. To earn additional income, it's necessary that every invited participant registers through your individual referral link.

The percentage rate depends on the number of invited users and starts from 10%, but is limited to 25% of the commission on any operations.

Review of Payeer

The Payeer payment system has been one of the most demanded payment systems in the HYIP industry for a long time. It has a simple and convenient interface and allows users to create an e-wallet with extensive functionality.

The multicurrency is one of the main advantages of this payment system. By creating a wallet, you can not only store dollars, rubles, or euros but also a multitude of popular cryptocurrencies.

Interesting features of Payeer include internal exchange and exchanger, with which you can convert funds from one currency to another.

The most significant advantage is anonymity. Verification here is not mandatory. Your wallet and transfers are not monitored.

Recently, the commission for manual transfers in Payeer changed for the first time in a long time from 0.95% to 0.5% per operation.

Register on Payeer


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Comments (25)
  1. drobnitsa1960 30 May 2023 23:47

    Payeer хорош уже хотя бы тем, что регулярно требуют идентификации личности, высылая на почту код подтверждения: если несколько дней не заходил в платежку, если входишь с другого компа или браузера, даже если просто включил VPN - все равно без подтверждения не зайдешь. Да и комиссии за вывод крипты они в последнее время снизили. Так что вполне себе нормальная платежка, почему она сейчас редко используется хайпами - не пойму.

  2. UdayAS8 20 April 2023 00:43

    Thanks for the review Richie, now fewer and fewer projects are using payeer unlike back in the days when it was the main payment method

  3. mirov84 8 December 2020 14:18

    Слыхали новость Паеер комиссию на ввод банковскими картами в валютах USD, EUR, RUB снизил почти в 3 раза, с 5.75% до 1.99%.
    1. BandiCD 8 December 2020 14:58

      На определенный период времени.
    2. 4difeer666 15 April 2023 12:41

      Недавно какая-то схожая новость была с криптой, иногда привлекают внимание к кошельку

  4. AlexanderKudrya8027 18 November 2020 19:56

    Сейчас паер изменил отношение к хайпам. И зачем он теперь нужен. там доже с верификацией большая комиссия лучше пм
    1. Invi 18 November 2020 20:36

      так сейчас пеер подключает ПМ для вывода/пополнения :)
      наверное уже почувствовали отток средств
      1. BandiCD 8 December 2020 15:01

        Думаю не так много они потеряют.
      2. 4difeer666 15 April 2023 12:42

        По итогу в хайпах осталась только еп из фиатных, перешли все на крипту

    2. BandiCD 8 December 2020 14:59

      В P можно очень выгодно купить или продать валюту и крипту.
    3. UdayAS8 20 April 2023 00:44

      PM also have depaterd the hyip world almost completely now

  5. Anzhel 27 September 2019 10:48

    Очень удобный кошелек, пользуюсь им.
  6. Nightmare 6 August 2019 15:58

    Наверно самый прожорливый кошелёк, такие комиссии, ужас!
  7. matrix2000 22 June 2019 11:24

    жрёт не по дням а по часам))))
  8. MrFox 31 March 2019 22:04

    Согласен, комиссия очень большая, бывает съедает суточную прибыль, если в фаст заходишь, но почему-то все-равно многие ее используют.
  9. evkonti 7 January 2019 01:44

    Платежка простая в использовании, но уж очень прожорливая на комиссии и шлюз у нее очень дорогой. А так в принципе для участия в разных пирамидках и хайпиках эта ЭПС-ка самое то!
  10. udimka 3 December 2018 14:53

    Эта ЭПС выглядит круто, но самый большой минус это высокая комиссия. Если бы не этот фактор пользовался бы ею.
    1. 4difeer666 1 April 2019 00:18

      Я бы сказал очень большая для кошелька,пм в этом деле лучший
      1. 4difeer666 15 April 2023 12:44

        Сейчас после эра крипты та комиссия еще кажется мизерной, по сравнению с криптой-гигантами, где комиссии и по 5 баксов

  11. Danya 12 November 2018 14:47

    Платёжка очень удобная, понятная, минус только в комиссии. Размер комиссии округляется в пользу ЭПС (в большую).
    1. UdayAS8 23 April 2023 14:36

      the commission is nothing compare to cryptocurrencies or even Perfect money but the problem is that you need to verify your account first before you can make payments larger than 10k I think

  12. dinochek 2 September 2018 13:15

    Смогла разобраться только с этой пс, но пока туда-сюда переводишь много теряется.Но так наверно везде.Всем надо зарабатывать)
  13. alhom 2 August 2018 22:31

    Согласен, комиссия на вывод высокая. Но пока пользуюсь только этим кошельком. Все очень просто и удобно. Так скажем, кошелек "для чайников" ))))))
  14. metasan 2 August 2018 14:14

    Весьма прожорливая платёжка, но при этом беЗпроблемная. Всё вводится и выводится за доли секунды от куда хочешь и куда нужно. Также данная ЭПС имеет солидный набор "замков" для безопасности. Однозначно +.
  15. 4difeer666 17 May 2018 21:36

    Payeer наверно самая удобная для новичка ПС,в которой все очень легко, любой сможет

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