Yandex Money - overview of the payment system

Yandex Money - overview of the payment system

Table of Contents

<p>Yandex Money is an electronic payment system that allows users to perform various financial transactions. It is owned by the company "Yandex".</p>

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Yandex Money is an electronic payment system that enables users to carry out various financial operations. It is owned by the "Yandex" company.

System Features

The system's agreement clearly states that it is intended exclusively for household and domestic needs. It is strictly forbidden to conduct commercial activities and generate profit through its use. If the system administration detects a user violating the rules, it will prohibit any transactions. Then, to withdraw funds, the user will need to go through a verification process.


The registration process is quite simple and will not take much time. First, you need to create an email account with Yandex. Then, register a wallet by providing your information in the standard form. If the user intends to work exclusively with an internet wallet, creating a Yandex mail box is pointless. It is enough to contact the processing center and download the wallet program.

During registration, the user specifies their real passport details and undergoes identity verification through the "CONTACT" system. If the wallet password is lost, the funds can be retrieved by presenting documents.

System Participants' Anonymity

The user can change settings and not provide personal information about themselves to other system participants. During transactions, only the wallet's serial number is displayed.


  • Simple and clear registration procedure.
  • Convenient Russian-language interface.
  • Wide functionality of the system.
  • Thanks to the integration of the PS into the structure of most leading online stores, payment for goods and services is instantaneous and without additional commissions.
  • No commission fee for account replenishment.
  • Reliable, multi-level security system.


  • During bank transfers, the user needs to fill out many documents.
  • High commission fee for withdrawing funds.
  • All transactions are made exclusively in rubles.
  • The system is prohibited for use in commercial purposes.
  • Oriented towards users from the Russian Federation.


"Yandex.Money" is considered one of the most secure payment systems. Several types of encryption are used to protect users' savings:

  • Random code generator.
  • Multiple CRC functions.
  • SSL connection protection.
  • Function to block connections when the certificate is signed by an unknown user.

Additional protection is achieved through payment confirmations, which are carried out in two ways:

  • Enhanced authorization. The user needs to specify a new set of data every time they log into the system. At first glance, this may seem a bit inconvenient, but by setting up enhanced authorization, you can be assured of the safety of your savings in the wallet.
  • Payment password. This is a simpler method, but no less effective. The user just needs to choose a payment password and specify it during the transaction. The transmission is carried out over secure channels, so the possibility of its interception is completely eliminated.

Withdrawal and Deposit Methods

The system has entered into partnership agreements with a number of leading Russian banks, giving its members preferential terms. "Yandex.Money" does not cooperate with foreign financial institutions, preferring domestic ones.
Withdrawal methods:

  • Transferring funds to a bank account. It is not necessary to open an account. You can receive the funds at the bank's cash desk.
  • Withdrawal to a bank card.
  • Using the CONTACT system.

Ways to replenish the balance:

  • Using prepaid cards. Credits are made instantly.
  • Using a plastic card from the Russian Development Bank. Credits are made within one hour.
  • Using ATMs. The crediting period varies from a few seconds to one hour.
  • Cash through a bank cashier or terminal. Credited within a day.
  • Bank transfer. Funds will be credited in 2-3 days.
  • Using electronic payment systems.

System Tariffs

Transactions between system users are charged a commission of 0.5%. If a system member decides to exchange funds for another currency, they must pay 3% of the amount.

A commission of 1% is charged for replenishing through terminals.

No additional payments are provided for other replenishment methods. However, partners of the system may charge a commission.

Yandex.Money Cards

The system offers special cards to its users, which provide instant input and output of funds. There is no commission for replenishing the balance. For withdrawal, the user will have to pay 3% of the amount + 10 rubles. Various banking institutions additionally charge their own commission.


The minimum transaction amount within the system is one ruble. The maximum payment is limited by a daily limit of 300,000 rubles. A single transaction also has a limit of 300,000 rubles.

The following limits are set for replenishing the electronic wallet:

  • Replenishment with a card registered in the system is limited by a daily limit of 5000 rubles.
  • Banking institutions have the discretion to limit a single payment, but the transaction amount cannot be less than 50 rubles and more than 300,000 rubles.

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Comments (12)
  1. UdayAS8 29 April 2023 22:09

    it's really cool to see how the payments systems has developed through the years and how a lot of them emerged and vanished from the HYIP world

  2. UdayAS8 29 April 2023 22:06

    Thanks for the article Richie

  3. 4difeer666 25 April 2023 01:00

    Сейчас кстати ребрендинг произошел у платежки, суть конечно не поменялась, все также как аналог киви.

  4. 4difeer666 25 April 2023 01:00

    Спасибо за статью!

  5. kiryamalik 5 June 2021 12:54

    Спасибо за статью
  6. mirov84 15 June 2020 14:12

    Спасибо за статью да не знал что такими возможностями обладает эта платёжная система!
  7. NikitaPuchkin2000 15 June 2020 13:41

    Спасибо за статью. Пока не пользуюсь, но планирую
  8. matrix2000 22 June 2019 10:10

    По своему опыту расскажу, появился первый кошелёк у меня именно этот , его Достоинства - он очень прост в использовании, полная верификация доступна для всех , тех поддержка быстрая очень и тд . Недостатки неверно только в комиссиях за рубежом) Я уже давно идентифицирован там и даже мастеркард имею ) очень удобно всем советую
    1. kiryamalik 12 June 2021 12:59

      Добавлю к недостаткам, что в хайпах он практически не используется
  9. evkonti 7 January 2019 01:55

    Классная ЭПС! Статус своим кошелькам в ЯД мы с мужем сделали себе "Идентифицированный" давно, еще в 2012 году. Сходили у нас в городе в их офис, заполнили спец. анкету, подписали там все необходимые бумаги и отправили свои документы на утверждение в Москву.
    Теперь только карты себе периодически меняем и все.
    Оплачиваем со счета или карты до 250 тыс руб в месяц различные товары и услуги, совершаем переводы. Отличная платежка!
  10. Alex2601 15 December 2018 20:02

    Это мой самый первый электронный кошелёк, появился он у меня примерно лет 7-мь назад, да он и в интернете наверное один из первых появился, а ещё у него не плохой функционал.
  11. 4difeer666 17 May 2018 22:10

    Самая легкая верификация, которую я видел, удобный и стандартный кошелек

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