Investor's Dictionary: Terms of the HYIP Industry

Investor's Dictionary: Terms of the HYIP Industry

Table of Contents

If you're new to the world of HYIPs, you'll likely come across a plethora of unfamiliar words and expressions commonly used by participants in chats, blogs, monitors, or forums. That's precisely why we've put together this resource, which serves as a glossary of terms and expressions frequently employed in the HYIP industry.

Investor's Dictionary

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, L, M, N, P, R, S, T, U, V, W, Z


  • Account – your personal cabinet in the project, which includes your login, password, email, and payment details.
  • Admin (Administrator) – the creator and leader of a HYIP project. An admin can be a single individual or a team of people.
  • Altcoin (Short for «alternative cryptocurrency») – any cryptocurrency launched after Bitcoin.
  • Asset Management (abbreviated as AM) – fractional management of investors' funds with an obligation to pay income interest.
  • «Auto» (Automatic Payouts) – a type of payment that involves the disbursement of funds without the need for investor or project administration intervention.


  • Ban – depriving a user of the right to access their project's personal cabinet. In the context of a chat, it means depriving a user of the ability to write in the chat or complete removal from it.
  • Batch – a transfer number in payment systems or through cryptocurrencies.
  • Binary – a type of partnership program where you only build two branches (usually right and left legs, or shoulders), and you receive payments from the entire structure's turnover, regardless of its depth.
  • Bitcoin – the world's first and most popular cryptocurrency.
  • Blockchain – a technology that includes a database mechanism that enables open data exchange within a business network.
  • «Bourgeois» – a foreign investor or HYIP project creator.
  • Bounty Program – a program that allows you to earn money by completing specific conditions, such as posting a photo on social media, leaving a review, and so on.
  • Breakeven – the point at which an investor recoups their deposit in a project. Anything above this is pure profit.
  • Buratino – an investor type who invests large sums recklessly, disregarding recommendations, causing project administrators to contemplate closing the project and securing their own profits.


  • «Cabinet» – slang expression that denotes a user's personal account.
  • «Chirikonolets» (from the word «chirik») – investors with a small capital who invest $10 in projects.
  • Circle (or cycle) – a time period that signifies the completion of a deposit's term according to a specific tariff plan.
  • Cookies – temporary browser files that store information: logins, passwords, email addresses entered by the user on various websites, history of visits through referral links, etc. The phrase «clear cookies» means that it is necessary to delete these temporary files.
  • Compounding – automatic transfer of profit to the deposit. In simple terms, it's compound interest.
  • Cryptocurrency – a type of digital currency, the accounting of internal units of which is provided by a decentralized payment system (no internal or external administrator or its equivalent).
  • «Cutlet» – a large deposit of over $1,000.


  • DDoS (from English abbreviation «DDoS» – Distributed Denial of Service attack) – one of the types of hacker attacks on a website through a large number of false requests, which leads to a destabilization of the website's connection. In this case, the site may open for a very long time or not open at all.
  • «Depnut» – to invest money in the project.
  • Deposit (or «dep») – a created investment in the project.
  • Deposit Body – the monetary amount that has been invested in the project.
  • Diversification – the distribution of funds by investing in several projects/directions to reduce risks.
  • «Donor» – a project whose goal is to raise money to support the «on the move» of the main project.
  • Doubler (also «double») – a HYIP project that allows doubling a deposit within a certain period of time.
  • «Drowning a project» – an expression used when a participant (or participants) in a forum/chat/blog/monitoring creates negativity around the project.


  • «Earth» – a HYIP project supposedly has real points such as offices and is promoted in offline mode. You can also hear the expression «on the ground».
  • Ethereum – a cryptocurrency and platform for creating decentralized online services based on blockchain (decentralized applications) operating on smart contracts.


  • «Fast» – a type of HYIP project that brings high profits in a short period of time.
  • Fiat (or fiat currency) – a legal payment instrument, the value of which is determined by the government and issued by it, not backed by physical goods or products.
  • Flood – meaningless or repetitive messages.


  • Greenbar – a green stripe in the browser bar with the company's name. Typically, it means that the site has undergone a thorough check (verification). The presence of a green bar is not related to the actual activities of the HYIP.


  • «Hit-and-run» – a strategy of participating in a HYIP that involves a one-time investment at the minimum tariff (for the shortest term) without reinvestment to quickly receive a small profit and reduce the risk of losing money.
  • Hourly – a HYIP project where profit percentages are accrued every hour.
  • HYIP (from English abbreviation «HYIP» – high yield investment program) – a high-yield investment project that operates on the principle of a financial pyramid.
  • «HYIPer» – a participant in HYIP projects.


  • Insider – unique information held by a select group of people. For example, there is an expression «there is an insider about the experienced administration».
  • Instant – a type of payout in which your request is processed instantly.
  • Insurance – a monetary amount set aside in case of financial loss in a scam project if there are losses. Coverage of losses can be partial or complete.


  • Junk – a poorly executed HYIP project that may use a used design, free hosting, unreasonable profitability percentages in marketing, etc.


  • Legend – a description of the activities of an investment project. Typically, HYIPs use the following legends: cryptocurrency, trading, mining, sports betting, real estate investments, currency, cars, etc.
  • Listing – terms under which a HYIP project is placed on an advertising resource (blog, monitoring, YouTube channel, Telegram channel, etc.).
  • «Lohovod» – an individual who lures people, mostly newcomers, with various tricks to invest in a specific project. At the same time, the so-called «lokhovod» will try to do everything for a person to invest a large amount or just into an obvious scam. Typically, «lokhovod» enters into agreements with project admins to receive certain bonuses from attracted funds.


  • «Manual» – slang expression to denote manual-type payouts. After submitting a request, your payment will be processed manually according to the specified HYIP regulations.
  • MLM – a type of HYIP projects that operate on the principle of multi-level marketing.
  • Moderator (also «moder») – a person who monitors order or compliance with rules on a forum/website/chat.
  • Monitoring (also «monik», «mon») – a website that lists HYIP projects and tracks their payment ability.
  • «Mishutka» – a person who actively attracts investors to a project.
  • Multi-account (also «multi-acc») – two or more accounts of a single user in a project created to gain certain financial benefits. In most projects, creating multi-accounts is prohibited by the rules.


  • «Networker» – slang word referring to people involved in promotion through self-built «networks» to earn a specific income.


  • Paid posting – payment for promotion on blogs, forum threads, monitoring sites by posting positive or negative comments with payouts or reviews.
  • Paid poster – a term used when a participant (who may not actually be one) of a project involved in promoting the project leaves untrue comments or fake payouts. It's also possible that the user will leave negative comments.
  • «Partisan» – a HYIP project that operates «quietly», without massive advertising purchases, often with a standard script design. Such projects can remain in this stage for years.
  • Penalty – a fee for withdrawing the deposit body.
  • Pending – the period when your payment is in a pending state.
  • Personal Account (abbreviated as PA) – the control panel of the personal account on the website.
  • Piggy Bank – a type of marketing in a HYIP project, under the terms of which your deposit is not frozen and allows you to withdraw the principal amount with or without a penalty at the time specified under the same conditions.
  • Ponzi – the founder of the «Ponzi scheme» used in HYIPs or financial pyramids. In this scheme, participant payouts come from funds invested by new participants. The operation continues until the outflow of funds exceeds the inflow. The scheme is named after its creator, Charles Ponzi.
  • Ponzi Scheme – a project designed to take money from investors without paying out any interest or deposits. Projects with sky-high tariff plans or poor preparation can also be considered as Ponzi schemes.
  • Pre-start – the project's activity before its «official» start announcement.
  • Profit – the net profit obtained from the project.


  • Refback (also «refka», «refs», referrals, bonuses) – partial, full, or increased return of referral payments from the invested amount in the HYIP.
  • Referral (also partner) – a person who was invited to the project through a referral (partner) link.
  • Referral leader – a person who actively recruits new members into the project and has a large base of them.
  • Referral link – a link provided by the project to a participant to invite new depositors and receive bonuses for it.
  • Refund – an action that occurs after a scam, signifying the return of funds to a participant.
  • «Reg» – slang expression for registration in a project or on a forum.
  • Regulations – the time for processing payments as specified in the HYIP project rules.
  • Reinvest – reinvesting money into a project after completing a cycle or for compound interest.
  • Restart – an event where the project suspends payments and announces the project's relaunch, including resetting obligations to investors.


  • Scam – the moment when a project stops making payments to investors.
  • Scammer – a fraudster. In the case of admins, it can be considered that they often do a poor job, «scam», and take money even from the earliest investors.
  • Screenshot – a screen capture (or part of it).
  • Script – a software product containing a specific sequence of actions that allows the admin to operate the project in semi-automatic mode (accepting deposits, accruing interest and bonuses, making payouts, etc.).
  • SSL Certificate – an encryption protocol used to prevent fraudsters from intercepting data (login, password, email, payment details) from the HYIP. The presence of an SSL certificate in the project indicates a higher level of security and data protection.
  • Stablecoin – digital assets designed to mimic the value of fiat currencies such as the dollar or euro. They allow traders to quickly and inexpensively transfer stable assets around the world.
  • «Stats» – statistics of the HYIP, which may include the following information: payouts, deposits, duration of work, and so on.


  • Ticket – an internal message on the project's website that allows a HYIP participant to contact customer support.
  • Topic Starter (or TS) – a forum participant who opens a new thread first.
  • Transaction – a money transfer operation.
  • Troll – a person who intentionally posts provocative posts or writes satirical messages with the aim of creating conflict between participants.


  • Upline – a person who invited you to the project.
  • Used Design – a design for a HYIP that has been used in a previous project.


  • Vanga (you can also come across the word «vangovat») – an investor who expresses their opinion on the duration of the project's operation.
  • Verification – full or partial documentary confirmation of identity.
  • «Vloshenets» – an investor who invested money in the project thoughtlessly or under the influence of the crowd.


  • Wallet – your account, address in a payment system, or cryptocurrency.


  • «Zakidon» (also «perezakidon») – literally throwing large sums of money into a project that has just started. In almost 90% of cases, a scam follows such a move.
  • Zakos – the use in a HYIP of one or more elements from a previously worked or currently operating project. For example, design, legend, text, tariff plans, etc.


Absolutely in any new field, there will be a bunch of unfamiliar and new words and expressions for a person to encounter when studying information. We have tried to gather a large number of words for your understanding in one place.

In this article, we have explained a large number of terms and slang used in the HYIP industry to make it easier for beginners to start working with HYIPs.

Write in the comments what terms you already know that we did not cover.

We hope that the article has been useful to you. Wishing everyone successful and profitable investments!


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Comments (40)
  1. psv1964 16 September 2023 23:53

    Спасибо за статью! Оказывается все эти термины я знаю, но новичку очень пригодится эта статья.

  2. Anzhel 1 December 2022 02:07

    Спасибо за обновление в терминах в статье 

  3. Lumin 3 October 2022 20:58

    Реально интересно почитать словарь, некоторые термины даже не знал.

  4. 4difeer666 23 July 2022 01:22

    Спасибо за обновление в статье

  5. Managerruslan 22 July 2022 21:23

    Мишутка и Влошенец огонь)

    1. Managerruslan 22 July 2022 21:24

      Ну и моё любимое, "Чириконосец")
      Совсем недавно сам таковым был, но мои чирики удвоились, почувствовал вкус денег и теперь средний вклад 100$

      1. Anzhel 29 March 2023 14:51

        Здорово, отличных заработков и далее

  6. Alex2601 22 July 2022 18:34

    Спасибо за обновление в терминах! 

  7. UdayAS8 22 July 2022 15:02

    cool update with the dictionary form and all, go rich best blog ever :)

  8. dekilion 7 June 2022 08:50

    Очень интересная статья, много терминов новых узнал

  9. Mihhha 8 March 2022 23:59

    Спасибо за статью. Всё очень обширно и подробно описано. Рекомендую всём прочитать данную статью. Новичкам рекомендую прочитать дважды. 

  10. levnks 8 March 2022 21:26

    Cпасибо за статью!

  11. akimskate 8 March 2022 20:11

    Спасибо за полезную статью!

  12. UdayAS8 21 January 2022 11:46

    Wow, a really good dictionary Richie Thanks

  13. Ilyas420 21 January 2022 08:30

    Возьму на заметку

  14. Anzhel 15 January 2022 17:39

    Хороший словарь, много интересных терминов для меня

  15. Tatarin152152 6 October 2021 22:28

    Спасибо за статью!

  16. Vit39 20 September 2021 09:12

    Хорошая информация,спасибо,молодцы ребята!Никогда не буду ТРОЛЛИТЬ,ЛОХОВОДОМ и ФЛУДЕРАСТОМ.ШЛАКА ни кому.В БАНЮ только с веничком.Всем ПРОФИТА!(новичёк)
  17. kiryamalik 1 July 2021 13:08

    Спасибо за статью. Было полезно обновить терминологию
  18. VARSI 30 June 2021 09:50

    Как начинающий инвестор, узнала несколько новых терминов, спасибо!
  19. AlexanderKudrya8027 4 February 2021 13:04

    Спасибо за статью и старания это надо было так запариться чтобы все их написать. так держать
  20. ilya28087 4 February 2021 12:54

    За один раз всю информацию не осилишь, думал что все знаю, а оказывается со многим нужно еще ознакомиться, спасибо статью, для новичком большая помощь)
    1. UdayAS8 14 April 2022 21:59

      well it's a relief that no one is using all of these slang right now cause they're really hard to master haha

      1. ilya28087 17 April 2022 11:01

        Yeah, that's true, but it is really good to know them anyway ;)

  21. Robin2020 17 July 2020 05:36

    Спасибо за статью,узнал много полезного!
    1. Mihhha 14 April 2022 21:41

      Согласен статья действительно обширна и полезна. Сказать по правде время от времени забываю некоторые определения. Спасибо за обновления моих знаний. 

  22. NikitaPuchkin2000 23 June 2020 12:04

    Спасибо за статью. Было полезно почитать
  23. Arbuz 22 April 2020 09:31

    Очень хорошая статья для начинающих инвесторов. В данной статье я узнал много терминов.
    Видно что админ данного блога работает на отлично.
  24. Дилшод 3 February 2019 08:42

    Спасибо за информацию. Много нового узнал
  25. 4difeer666 2 February 2019 16:32

    Единственное что не знал это топикстартер,остальное довольно знакомое.Для новичка просто 10/10 статья
  26. LegenDa 2 February 2019 16:22

    Полезная статья, некоторые термины мне были известны только приблизительно. Спасибо. Кое-где повеселилась, особенно над г..хайпами и флудерастами. Коротко и точно laughing
  27. Marina 2 February 2019 12:51

    ого, оказывается сколько профессиональных слов у нас, но почти все мне знакомы. ))
  28. Alex2601 24 May 2018 16:08

    Как в любом бизнесе много своих понятий и определений, о многих знаю, но некоторые сленги первый раз вижу!
    1. udimka 7 December 2018 22:58

      То же самое, о некоторых понятиях прочитал впервые.
    2. 4difeer666 15 January 2022 23:19

      Я когда первый раз услышал слова из этого словаря подумал что меня учат заклинаниям)

      1. Anzhel 8 March 2022 19:44

        Точно, как заклинания, если впервые прочитать слова неизвестные)

        1. 4difeer666 19 May 2023 23:54

          Особенно, когда человек именно разговаривает на этом сленге

    3. UdayAS8 9 March 2022 00:11

      Bathroom killed me hahaha

  29. 4difeer666 17 May 2018 21:31

    Узнал много новых и старых слов
  30. Nek1tt 4 May 2018 12:19

    Очень полезная статья! Помогает разобраться в хайпах новичкам. Я сам уже не новичок в этом деле, но некоторые слова не знал и взял на заметку. Спасибо!

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    Платформа bybit
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    Платформа bybit

