Learning to recognize admins by their handwriting

Learning to recognize admins by their handwriting

Table of Contents

The HYIP industry conveyor churns out tons of projects daily, and among the various dross, worthy new entries occasionally emerge. It’s extremely difficult to identify the creator of a project right from the start, but many admins leave us clues - we just need to learn how to read them.

Can You Identify an Admin?

Admins are humans too and sometimes they make mistakes, overlook details, while those who work "with soul" invest their individuality into projects. It is by these signs that a HYIP creator can be easily identified - an experienced HYIPer needs only about 5 minutes to browse the project site.

So, why identify the next project of a particular admin? Because they usually work "on the beaten path". Experienced admins simply will not create a HYIP for a pittance of profit and from project to project allow their investors to earn. Meanwhile, scammers need to be recognized "by face" and their dross projects avoided.

Let's figure out how admins can give away their authorial handwriting and where pyramid builders make fatal mistakes.

Works with Familiar Conditions

Admins, especially the experienced ones who perform well, often invent their formula for success and in each new project only partially change the conditions of marketing and partnerships. Sometimes they don’t bother about this at all and offer the same conditions every time.

The creator of Razzleton made a loud statement in this project, so later he returned to his favorite working conditions one way or another. The similarity can even be traced in the partnership program, which has barely transformed from project to project:

In Bitcy this same admin left the previous 7-2% for partners but added a representative program:

And in Coincome he decided to combine everything together and offered participants both the partnership from Razzleton and the representative program from Bitcy. 

Some tariffs allow for particularly successful work, and admins are in no hurry to part with them. Next, we show how one admin from project to project used virtually identical marketing, slightly changing conditions. This scheme works well today and will surely be seen in the future.

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Exposed Their Wallets, Accounts, or Email

Forgetting such nuances can happen due to inexperience or if far from one project is launched simultaneously. But sometimes admins reveal their identity intentionally, leaving a kind of clue for investors. Some admins directly in the project name clearly and straightforwardly say who they are – as was the case in Dobro Father and Father Forever:

Copied the User Agreement from a Previous Project

Many pyramid builders somehow think that no one ever reads the user agreement and simply copy it in each of their projects. But there are users who open this all-forgotten section and even check for uniqueness. However, in diagnosing this sign, one should be extremely careful and also consider other nuances of similarity with the admin's previous project - often the agreement is copied not only in their projects but also in others.

Recognizing the Admin by TS

It has happened that some admins only turn to a specific inhabitant of the MMGP forum to create a thread for their project. This gives users the opportunity to suspect another arrival of a TOP admin:

And in general, many TS have their reputation and bring only quality projects to the forum to not tarnish that very reputation. Therefore, when some interesting HYIP appears, it's worth paying attention to who presents it.

Repeating the Development Path of the Project

Again, experienced admins often work as they are accustomed to. Why reinvent the wheel if there is a working scheme? Some are immediately accustomed to jumping into battle and actively purchase listings on advertising platforms, while others find such a manner not to their liking and, before moving into an active phase, the admin may guerrilla in silent mode for several months, or even a year.

To this criterion, we can also attribute such updates:

  • Opening additional tariffs;
  • Adding a bounty program;
  • Constant promotions and bonuses for holidays of all peoples and religions;
  • Design updates;
  • Lowering the minimum deposit amounts and investment terms.

Tastes in Design

Many admins are betrayed by a penchant for beauty or the inheritance of a specific type of designs. Probably, it’s most often by the appearance that one can assume which admin manages it. And there are many examples here, but we won’t stretch the fabric of this article, we’ll just show several admins and their works.
If you’ve heard anything about HYIPs, you’re surely familiar with the famous Razzleton admin, who regularly releases projects and works surprisingly well, and sometimes just stunningly. The admin is very meticulous in preparing his projects, so they are quite recognizable.
Firstly, the design of "Razzleton" projects is always bright, with an abundance of 3D elements and gravitation towards famous media images. Secondly, great attention is paid to the details, especially the logo - it’s not just some scribble copied from project to project. Overall, in the sites of this admin, there is no hint of seriousness - a riot of colors, a kind of eternal festivity, not a project, when visiting which the mood is automatically lifted.

Another admin didn’t even bother to change the color scheme of the design, and the project name wasn’t much altered either – Altron and Detron. As you can see, everything is clear without extra words and not to guess that the projects are from the same admin can only be done by the blind.

Similarities in design style can also be found in the works of the AK47 Capital and FatFunds admin:

And a classic example is Syntha and KARMA Place:

The admin of the project "Dobro" left a clue for investors in the form of a logo in the project "Legenda". Although, in principle, no one hid that the HYIPs were administered by the same person:


Summarizing all of the above, it is worth noting that, seeing just one of the signs presented in a project, one should not rush headlong and deposit all their savings into it. Remember, the basic imitation has not been canceled, and it is quite possible that some scammer will decide to mislead you and earn on someone's reputation. Therefore, any project needs to be analyzed comprehensively, and if multiple factors point to a new project from an experienced creator, then only such signs can be trusted.


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Comments (67)
  1. psv1964 27 September 2023 21:25

    Спасибо! Очень полезная статья!

  2. Wael77 20 August 2023 16:26

    Thanks for the article Admin!

  3. drobnitsa1960 5 June 2023 15:04

    Где, они, эти админы, которых надо узнавать и возвращения которых так ждешь, ауу!

  4. drobnitsa1960 14 May 2023 15:16

    К сожалению, сильных админов, которых можно безошибочно узнать "по почерку", очень немного. И с новыми проектами они выходят достаточно редко. Значительно чаще появляются "закосы" под легендарных админов от махровых мошенников, желающих заработать на чужой репутации.  

  5. baKira 23 May 2022 08:39

    Спасибо большое за статью - очень полезная и познавательная, почерпнула для себя некоторые новинки! Респект вам за обучение! 

  6. Mihhha 5 March 2022 23:01

    Спасибо за статью. Такие админы  в ХАЙП индустрии нам очень нужны. Главное не забывать  про возможные подделки и не делать всё свои деньги в один проект. Всём удачи!!! 

    1. UdayAS8 12 April 2022 16:18

      Strongly agree about the rule of diversification, but about the fakes I think it can be somewhat easy to recognize 

    2. 4difeer666 30 April 2023 16:02

      Диверсификация наше все, но иногда и она не спасает, нужно оставлять подушку

  7. UdayAS8 18 January 2022 11:54

    I hope we will recognize The Godfather when he come back 

    Thanks for the article Richie

  8. Anzhel 14 January 2022 08:29

    Спасибо за статью, опыт приходит с годами

    1. Mihhha 12 April 2022 00:11

      Данная статья и диверсификация рисков в совокупности дают  возможность не только сохранить но и приумножить свои средства. Спасибо за инфу!!!!

  9. levnks 21 December 2021 18:08

    Спасибо за статью :)

  10. Tatarin152152 17 October 2021 20:02

    Спасибо за статью! Продолжаем учиться дальше!)

  11. kiryamalik 9 September 2021 14:13

    Спасибо за статью
  12. tanjs 4 July 2021 15:29

    Thanks for article. Learning so many things by this blog
  13. VARSI 21 June 2021 16:06

    Спасибо за статью, очень информативно. Очень полезная способность узнавать админа по почерку!
  14. rave2k20 18 June 2021 14:04

    The most impressive about the article is that show us how many little details we can check in a hyip project.
    We continue learning with richmonkey.bz.
    1. Mihhha 23 May 2022 22:12

      Полностью согласен!Главное не лениться проверять эти мелкие детали,И тогда успех в ХАЙП индустрии неизбежен.

  15. kiryamalik 18 June 2021 08:29

    Спасибо за статью
  16. toptop4ikov 15 April 2021 16:34

    На главной странице сайта не NoBleddos? ))) статья хорошая)
    1. richmonkey_support 16 April 2021 14:48

      Toptop4ikov, олды помнят
  17. gilew455 15 April 2021 14:41

    Будем надеяться что статья всегда поможет.
  18. ilya28087 10 February 2021 22:41

    Очень полезный навык различать админов по почерку, если хочешь заработать этот навык не помешает. Спасибо за статью!
  19. BandiCD 13 September 2020 23:46

    Хорошая статья, парочку я заметил админов в дайджесте вне блога, которые имеют свой почерк и индентичные проекты, буду развивать свою внимательность.
    1. 4difeer666 30 April 2023 16:04

      Со временем стало еще больше, и не сказать,что плохо работают, имеют даже какую никакую стабильность по времени работы

  20. Robin2020 21 June 2020 12:31

    Побольше хороших админов!!!
  21. mirov84 15 June 2020 14:38

    Спс за статью много чего нового узнал браво!
  22. NikitaPuchkin2000 22 May 2020 09:35

    Спасибо за статью. Было полезно почитать. Узнал много нового
  23. assured 22 May 2020 06:09

    Очень познавательная и полезная статья. Спасибо.
  24. Viktoria 14 April 2020 23:19

    Доступно и понятно!Толковая статья
  25. Dagon 3 March 2020 20:17

    Никогда бы не подумал,что все так...
  26. Lumin 3 March 2020 00:56

    Статья очень интересная, будем учиться различать админов.
  27. praveen3504 27 January 2020 10:48

    1. UdayAS8 5 March 2022 22:41

      There is a specific page called "Novice" for the beginners, I advice you open it and read all the articles since i did that when i was a beginner like you and it saved me a lot of money losses

  28. Marchuk 19 January 2020 16:18

    Razzleton больше всего запомнился мне)
    1. UdayAS8 12 April 2022 16:21

      Those days seem to never return :(

  29. ilyu134 20 October 2019 23:15

    Спасибо за полезную статью!
  30. Anzhel 15 October 2019 23:38

    Спасибо за статью, со временем надеюсь научусь различать админов.

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