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Exchange assets can have long names or consist of hard-to-pronounce words. The experience of exchange trading has led to the shortening of traded asset names for more convenient writing and quick information reading. All cryptocurrencies have shortened names devised on a similar principle.
What is a Cryptocurrency Ticker
Ticker is the shortened name of any asset traded on a cryptocurrency exchange. A ticker consists of 3-4 Latin letters and is written in uppercase. These letters are usually phonetically similar to the main name, and numbers are rarely used in tickers.
The word "ticker" is borrowed from English, and in the past, a machine with a similar name received telegrams reflecting stock exchange quotes. Asset names were sometimes shortened to a single symbol, as each symbol in a telegram was paid for by postal tariff.
Examples of Tickers
You can find the ticker of any cryptocurrency on specialized services that contain basic information about cryptocurrencies. Additionally, you can familiarize yourself with the tickers of traded assets on any exchange. Real tickers look like this:
- BTC — Bitcoin;
- ETH — Ethereum;
- LTC — Litecoin;
- ADA — Cardano;
- DOGE — Dogecoin;
- ERG — Ergo, and so on.
It's important not to confuse a ticker with a trading pair. A trading pair consists of two tickers separated by a slash: ADA/USDT, BTC/ETH, and similar ones. Now you know what tickers represent and what types they come in.
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