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Blockchain involves multiple computers connected in a global network, which allows for confirming new blocks and processing various transactions. Each computer is called a node.
What is a node
Node — any computer connected to the blockchain network, it serves as a connecting point that creates, receives, and processes various data. Each node is an element of the global network in which users interact through P2P protocols that transmit information about transactions and blocks. Depending on their purpose, nodes can differ from one another.
Nodes and their varieties
Each node can serve different purposes:
- light node — any personal computer participating in the blockchain network. It stores only a minimal part of the blockchain, sufficient to confirm certain information. To synchronize with the network, such a node connects to a full node to learn the current state of the network. Light nodes include, for example, multi-currency wallets that don't download the entire blockchain to the user's computer;
- full node — a device that constantly services the blockchain network, containing comprehensive data about blocks and other network parameters. Such a node maintains consensus among network participants and verifies new transactions. Full nodes have the right to vote on issues regarding the development of the current blockchain network;
- mining node — miners are also nodes that prove the work done to mine a new block. Such a user employs graphics accelerators or ASICs. The work of a mining node is paid through transaction fees from network participants;
- masternode — performs accounting and reconciliation of transactions, which is their sole purpose. Masternode owners receive certain income since their equipment services the blockchain network around the clock.
Thus, blockchain is a network of nodes that perform P2P protocols, transactions, and verifications. Miners mine blocks — other nodes confirm or reject the block. This information is then transmitted to other nodes. These processes flow continuously thanks to nodes of various levels.
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