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Mining is widely discussed as it is a relatively new phenomenon. Let's examine it from both technical and legal perspectives. For many, mining is just a business where a person invests money in equipment and places it in a special facility. This approach is a regular entrepreneurial activity, but the concept of mining itself is broader.
What Is Mining
A historical overview reveals that the first cryptocurrency is based on the Proof-of-work algorithm - which means proving work through effort.
Mining is the work of an entire network of devices performing calculations by finding certain solutions. These solutions are verified by other participants, thus discovering new blocks, which allows cryptocurrency to develop.
How to Start Mining Cryptocurrency
You can start the process even on a personal computer; typically, the following devices are used:
- computer processor;
- graphics accelerator (video card);
- ASIC - a special device for continuous calculations.
A user who has such devices must go through the following stages:
- establish an internet connection and verify the functionality of mining devices;
- install special software on the computer or mining rig;
- create necessary wallets to receive rewards and select a mining pool;
- create conditions for 24/7 operation of the equipment.
What Beginners Should Consider
Mining equipment is quite expensive, so potential miners need to understand the basics of cryptocurrency mining:
- income depends on the market value of cryptocurrency, requiring knowledge of exchange functionality;
- mining difficulty constantly increases - the number of miners is growing, and coins have limited emission. These factors lead to a steady decrease in the frequency of coin mining;
- consider the cost of electricity in your region, expenses for facility rental, and maintenance of mining rigs;
- the main indicator of a mining rig is its hashrate - simply put, it's the speed of mining coins.
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