Emission - what is it in cryptocurrencies?

Emission - what is it in cryptocurrencies?

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Emission is the release of new coins into circulation. Unlike fiat money and other financial instruments, such as stocks, where the decision about emission is made by a central authority, in the case of cryptocurrency, emission is decentralized and is carried out through mining.

Emission is the release of new coins into circulation. Unlike fiat currencies and other financial instruments such as stocks, where the decision to issue is made by a central authority, cryptocurrency emission is decentralized and carried out through mining. However, there are cryptocurrencies with centralized emission, which means they don't need mining - for example, Ripple. In such cases, the cryptocurrency itself is often just an element of a payment system.

Returning to cryptocurrencies whose emission is conducted in a decentralized manner: although many users from around the world participate in it, emission has a regulatory tool - the encryption algorithm. This algorithm controls how many new tokens will appear and at what frequency, making uncontrolled issuance of coins impossible, unlike fiat currency, which can be printed in much larger volumes at any moment by decision of a country's authorities, causing it to rapidly devalue - something that has happened many times throughout history.

Types of cryptocurrency emission:


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