How to Avoid Paying Fees Using TronLink

How to Avoid Paying Fees Using TronLink

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Few know that by using a crypto wallet in the form of a browser extension named TronLink, it is possible to avoid paying fees for transfers, which has recently become quite burdensome, especially for small amounts.

More and more often, there are hyips that are more profitable to enter through Tether TRC-20, making the issue more relevant than ever.

How can this be done? We will try to explain this step by step in this article. Website


Before we begin, it's worth mentioning that this feature may work not only with the TronLink wallet but also with others that have a staking function. In this article, we will specifically discuss how to avoid paying fees using the TronLink wallet.

You can learn about the wallet, its advantages and disadvantages, as well as a detailed guide on how to use it in our article:

In short, transactions are governed by two parameters – Energy and Bandwidth.

Initially, the values of Energy and Bandwidth on an account without funds are equal to 0.

Immediately after topping up the wallet, you will be credited with 1,500 Bandwidth, which is enough for about four transactions. 1 transfer consumes ~345 Bandwidth.

The Energy value will be 0. It is known that you need to spend ~32,000 Energy for 1 transfer.

P.S. For the first transfer to a new address, you will need to spend ~70,000 Energy, which equals ~4,000 TRON.

Number of transfers Energy Bandwidth
1 ~32,000 (~2,000 TRX) ~345 (~330 TRX)
3 ~96,000 (~6,000 TRX) ~1,035 (~990 TRX)
5 ~160,000 (~10,000 TRX) ~1,725 (~1,650 TRX)
10 ~320,000 (~20,000 TRX) ~3,450 (~3,300 TRX)

As you might have guessed, to perform transactions without a fee, you need to top up your wallet's Energy and Bandwidth. How can this be done? Below we provide detailed instructions.

Step-by-Step Guide

To top up the Energy and Bandwidth values, you need to stake TRON in your wallet.

Staking – is the act of locking cryptocurrency or tokens for a certain period of time, in return for which you receive either passive income or, as in our case with TronLink, commission-free transactions. By the way, the freezing of TRON lasts 72 hours, after which you can withdraw them if necessary.

Before you start, you need to top up your TronLink wallet balance. For this, we recommend using the following exchange monitors:

You can also use the cryptocurrency exchange Binance.

  • Staking Energy and Bandwidth

As you can see, the values of Energy and Bandwidth changed after staking. They are insignificant because we staked too little TRON for the example, but the principle should be clear.

Important Points

  • Determine the number of transfers you make per day. Depending on the number of transfers, you need to stake the necessary amount of TRON (see the table at the beginning of the article);
  • Monitor the Energy and Bandwidth balance. If you spend Energy or Bandwidth, TRON will be deducted as a fee for transfers. If both parameters are depleted, an increased commission will be charged for transfers;
  • Energy and Bandwidth are replenished every second. If you deplete them to 0, recovery will take 24 hours.


As you can understand from this article, to avoid paying fees using TronLink, you need to stake TRON. We have explained how to do this step by step.

We recommend using this feature to significantly save money on commissions.

Remember, you can now order cashback on Tether TRC-20 on our blog here.

We hope this article was useful to you. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments to this article.

Invest successfully and profitably with! Wishing you successful and profitable investments! Website


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Comments (30)
  1. psv1964 22 September 2023 19:00

    Спасибо за статью! Сейчас заморозка тронов длится не 72 часа, а 14 дней. Стало не очень удобно.

  2. 4difeer666 26 May 2023 13:31

    Вообще стейкинг есть и в других кошельках, в эксодусе так точно

  3. 4difeer666 21 April 2023 01:22

    Удобно конечно не платить, но сейчас развивается беп версия трона, там итак небольшая она, довольно не критично

  4. ilya28087 16 April 2023 21:35

    Не подскажите, для кошелька Trustee нужно такое же количество bandswidth и energy? Там просто тоже есть возможность стейкинга.

    1. UdayAS8 29 May 2023 13:41

      they may only give you a profit but not free transfer as far as I know. I recommend you to try Tronlink cause it's pretty easy to do all of this

  5. Managerruslan 19 February 2023 21:04

    Друзья, выручайте. Установил Tronlink на Chrome, все работает, но когда устанавливаю на смартфон, не показывает баланс. Жмёшь на (+), не видит токены, пишет check your network. При этом, если нажать на energy, там все отображает, и стейкинг, и баланс, а на главной ну никак

    1. richmonkey_support 20 February 2023 15:16

      Managerruslan, к сожалению, не сталкивались с такой проблемой

    2. UdayAS8 29 May 2023 13:39

      I have faced this issue 2 times brother, in the first one it was solved by its self but in the second one I updated the wallet and opened it through a VPN and it worked. 

      if it stays like this then tell me I'll give you the links to the official telegram group and you can tell them there

      1. Managerruslan 2 June 2023 22:48

        Спасибо, Бро. Не, я уже забыл про этот кошелек, пользуюсь другими

        1. UdayAS8 3 June 2023 11:13

          No worries bro, as long as you're paying commission-free :)

  6. richmonkey 9 February 2023 17:13

    Комиссия в сети трон повысилась, теперь за 1 перевод уходит до 50 монет, что на сегодняшний день чуть более 3 баксов. Так что выгоднее заморозить хотя бы 4000 тронов для 1 бесплатного перевода в день.

    За первый перевод на новый адрес вам необходимо будет потратить ~65 000 Energy, что равняется ~4 000 TRON.

  7. Wael77 13 November 2022 01:46

    I've done this since I started and now I've saved a lot of money that was going to be commissions!

  8. Wael77 13 November 2022 01:42

    Thanks for the article Admin!

  9. Mihhha 21 March 2022 01:07

    Спасибо за статью.Возможно в ближайшее будущее воспользуюсь данной технологией. 

  10. Anzhel 20 March 2022 21:03

    15000 энергии не хватает на перевод без комиссии, взимают 4 трона

    1. UdayAS8 25 April 2022 22:05

      about 25000 energy is enough for one USDT transfer but with the condition that the receiving account should be activated, if not then you will need about 50000 energy

      1. Wight 17 May 2022 15:12

        How much do you stake TRX for this? 

        1. UdayAS8 17 May 2022 16:43

          the above rates has changed a bit now,

          if you want to send for an activated account you would need about 15000 "Energy" but if the receiving account isn't activated you would need about 30000 "Energy" 

        2. UdayAS8 17 May 2022 16:46

          You need to stake about 630 TRX in order to have 15000 Energy 

          And about 1260 TRX tin order to have 30000 Energy and then you won't ever pay any commission 

          and you can vote for representative in order to get some free TRX everyday

  11. n1kto253 20 March 2022 18:20

    Спасибо за статью! 

  12. Mihhha 17 February 2022 20:22

    Спасибо за статью про TronLink. Очень актуально для работы с хайп проектами в условиях отхода от традиционных платёжных систем. 

  13. levnks 15 February 2022 11:34

    Спасибо за статью, многим будет полезно - кто инвестирует в USDT

    1. Mihhha 25 April 2022 00:23

      Мне кажется что со временем инвестировать в ХАЙПЫ мы сможем только через USDT . 

      1. UdayAS8 25 April 2022 22:05

        That's fact, but not only USDT but also major cryptocurrencies

      2. 4difeer666 21 April 2023 01:23

        Думаю оно к лучшему, крипта пока что никак не отслеживается банками, поэтому с этой стороны даже безопаснее

  14. akimskate 15 February 2022 09:40

    Спасибо за статью! Есть еще похожий кош по поводу заморозки энергии - Klever, правда там нет расширения для браузера, на сколько я знаю

  15. Alex2601 15 February 2022 06:10

    Поучительно, в Труст кошельке тоже так можно делать.

  16. 4difeer666 14 February 2022 22:27

    Спасибо за статью!

  17. UdayAS8 14 February 2022 15:18

    I have started to study Tronlink since one of the Users here suggested that in order to not paying fees at all so this article is right on time Thanks a lot

  18. Anzhel 14 February 2022 13:27

    Отличная статья, в цифрах, теперь понятно сколько надо заморозить энергии, чтоб не платить комиссию.


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