10 signs of good hype

10 signs of good hype
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Truly, there can never be a single clear instruction for choosing a HYIP (High Yield Investment Program). Otherwise, everyone would follow it and enjoy the pleasure of constant income without extra effort. That does not exist. However, there are basic signs that reveal a promising project.

For every HYIP, there's a minimum set of features, a gentleman's set, without which it's hard to imagine a website functioning properly. First and foremost, these include DDoS protection and SSL. DDoS protection ensures that the project's website is always accessible. SSL secures the transmission of your login and password (you will see a green "https://" in the address bar).

If these aren't taken care of at the creation stage, it's better to pass by. But if DDoS protection and SSL are present, examine the project more closely. When investing in HYIPs, it's more important not to encounter scams rather than hitting a big jackpot. Therefore, all reasoning will be from the perspective of "what should repel."

1. Marketing

The most interesting point is the percentage of profit a HYIP offers. The desire for higher returns draws people to fast-paying schemes, while excessive caution leads to low-yield ones. But the focus should be not so much on profitability as on the thoughtfulness in planning. It's bad when:

  • there are non-working plans, for example, with a minimum entry amount of $10,000 or more;
  • a plan with a higher entry threshold offers lower returns than plans for smaller amounts. For instance: 1st plan - 10% in 3 days (for amounts from $1 to $500), 2nd plan - 15% in 6 days (for amounts from $501 to $1000);
  • there's an overlap of entry amounts in different plans, e.g.: the first plan accepts $10 to $100, the second - $50 to $500;
  • excessively high percentages (characteristic of fast schemes), for example, 20% per day for 10 days. Another scenario is when a medium-term scheme continuously adds new plans, each time with higher percentages;
  • plans from low-, medium-, and high-yield schemes are all in one project: 2% for 10 days (deposit at the end), 102.5% after one day (deposit included), 3.5% for 30 days (deposit included).

A solid project will calculate profits down to the percentage 

Some marketing mistakes are not as critically affecting the HYIP's operation as, for example, non-working plans. But the presence of miscalculations in the mathematics of accruals is always particularly alarming.

2. Stability in Panic Situations

Panic in a project can arise for various reasons. It could be an unfilled wallet in the profile, which is necessary for receiving payments. Sometimes a payment system may temporarily go offline, like Perfect Money occasionally undergoing maintenance. For projects with instant payments, this often ends in a scam. Black paid posters may also get involved.

Panic leads to mass withdrawals from the project 

Regardless of the reason, panic negatively impacts the project. If a HYIP allows funds to be withdrawn at any moment, a wave of panic can quickly destroy it. Projects with short-term plans (fast schemes) and piggy-bank projects that allow withdrawals at any time, even with a penalty, are the least resistant to panic.

3. The Legend

The very concept of activity in HYIPs is mythological by default. Still, one cannot ignore this aspect. A well-thought-out legend, at least seemingly backed by activity, is valuable. For HYIPs posing as forex brokers, this might include reports on broker trading; for those involved in trade or service provision - photos of offices, goods, and licenses on the site.

Actors are used to demonstrate company offices 

Naturally, this will be no more than a theatrical production, but the level of presentation of the legend indicates the level of preparation. The presence of errors, both in the texts and in the fabricated legend, should be a deterrent. So, don't be lazy to at least quickly browse the "About the Company" section.

The presence of a video as part of the legend is not a cheap pleasure. Again, pay attention, if there are blatant blunders in the video, do not fall for sweet advertising slogans.

And another thing, the demonstration of a hastily-made HYIP - copied parts of text from other projects with a similar legend. Today, this is easily checked through search engines. It would be wise to do this before deciding to invest.

4. Live Support, Contacts

In addition to the persuasiveness of the legend, it's worth evaluating the performance of the support service and the functionality of the contacts listed on the site. A delayed response or its absence is already a big negative. The presence of template responses and the inability to explain nuances should also be noted as a drawback. Various situations can arise: funds not credited to the account, problems with withdrawals. And if support can't help, it's merely for show.

Live support is one of the signs of good preparation 

If there are non-working contacts (email, phone, Skype) listed, it's clear. The stage is set, but they forgot to call the actors.

5. Script

Developing a proprietary script may require significant investment from the creators. It might, but often we see a total saving in this area.

Only a few projects have their own script 

We note here that even if a standard script like Gold Coders or H-Script is used, it should at least be licensed. You can check for a license on the official websites selling these scripts. Experienced investors immediately look at the script and often post in forums and blog comments if it is unlicensed.

6. Design

This is very subjective. It's not appreciated when the same images and photographs are reused in design – this becomes noticeable with experience. You can also try to find duplicates using “Google Images”.

Good design is not a guarantee of reliability. Keep an eye on projects 

Also alarming are overlapping design elements, overly bright acidic colors, illogical menus. In short, if there are any irritating moments on your first visit to the project, if at least some buttons don’t work, if the interface is too complicated, if there are many animations causing the site to hang periodically – it's better to pass by. Or, alternatively, keep it under observation to see if and how quickly the shortcomings are corrected.

7. Verified Wallet

Essentially, this is a trivial matter. Buying a verified wallet is not difficult today, as it has become a streamlined process and is not too expensive. But beginner admins, and not only beginners, often neglect this. Whether they forget or are trying to save – it doesn’t matter. The project's wallet is usually visible when creating a deposit – pay attention to this.

There’s also the case where a verified wallet is used, but it was previously used in another project. For a Perfect Money wallet, there will be a high Trust Score from the start of the project, which is a sign of prior use. For a Bitcoin wallet, you can see the operations and amounts that have passed through the wallet.

All transactions for any Bitcoin wallet are publicly accessible 

The simplest option is to enter the details of any wallet into Yandex or Google. Investors constantly post payouts – so you can immediately see if the wallet has been used in another HYIP. It may seem funny, but this is how admins give themselves away, you can understand what the admin’s previous project was and how it performed. In any case, multiple uses of one wallet should be considered a negative.

8. Number of Monitors, Advertising

No project will live long if it starts active promotion in all possible directions from the outset. Novice investors might mistakenly think that if a lot of advertising is bought, it means investments that need to be recouped, so the project will keep running.

Buying advertising requires the right approach 

Yes, all expenses need to be recouped. But it should be understood that the duration of a project is not influenced by the number of advertising banners on various monitors and blogs, but by the timeliness of their purchase. Intensive promotion from the start leaves no room for attracting fresh investments later on – which is a death sentence for any HYIP.

9. Size of Affiliate Rewards

Another element of promotion. It should be assessed in conjunction with the project's marketing. Rewards of more than 15% first, create a heavy load on the project for payouts (especially in fast schemes), and second, in the pursuit of profit, all sorts of partners actively join the advertising, which can disrupt any admin’s plans.

Pay attention to the partner rewards 

The standard size of rewards for partners is 7-10%. If the figure is higher, also look at the project's profitability. Excessively high profitability, both in plans and in affiliate rewards, should lead to very specific thoughts.

10. Number of Languages, Coverage of Many Countries

As one of the elements of attracting new investors – starting to promote the project in new countries. Again, for the sake of long-term operation, launching in all countries at once is the worst decision. Everything should be done gradually.

Watch for the expansion of the investor circle from different countries;

Introducing a new language is good – it requires the services of a translator (if you know the newly introduced language, you can check the quality of the translation). But not everything is so straightforward. Any innovations, promotions are perceived as an alarming signal for investors. And there are reasons for this. Introducing a language without running an advertising campaign in the country for which the new language is introduced does not bring anything – therefore, it can be used by admins to mislead. If possible, it's worth checking whether the project appeared on foreign monitors simultaneously with the introduction of the language.

Projects should be evaluated based on all these signs in a comprehensive manner. It's important to understand that excellent design and good marketing are not a guarantee of success. When selecting, check all available information about the project, read reviews, but analyze independently. And do this throughout the entire duration of the project. If there's even a single doubt, it's better to tell yourself “stop”.

For HYIP investments, there's a very good saying: “It's better to count the unearned profit today than to count the losses tomorrow.” Therefore, approach the selection of good HYIPs with a cool head, don't chase after high percentages – look for stability.

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