Review and Feedback on the Cryptocurrency Wallet

Review and Feedback on the Cryptocurrency Wallet
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<p> is one of the most popular wallets for cryptocurrency transfers, particularly for <a href="/72-bitkoin-koshelek-kakoy-vybrat.html" target="_blank">Bitcoin</a>, as of today. This service is used by both beginners and seasoned investors, including us.</p>

<p>We have prepared a review of the cryptocurrency wallet, in which we will take a closer look and explain why it is well-suited for investments in high-yield investment programs (HYIPs) and more.</p>

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Due to imposed sanctions, the Blockchain crypto wallet is no longer relevant for citizens of the Russian Federation.

We recommend withdrawing funds by October 27, 2022.

About is the first wallet for storing cryptocurrency Bitcoin, developed in 2009 following the launch of the decentralized network for fast payments. Currently, in addition to Bitcoin, online storage for Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Stellar, and USD-Digital is available.

The website provides detailed network statistics, information on each address or transactions conducted, market data, mining, as well as network activity.

Instructions for Using the Wallet

We have prepared a detailed guide on how to use the wallet, where we explain how to register and use it.

  • Registration
  • How to Use the Wallet
  • How to Top Up the Wallet


The wallet is sophisticated in terms of security settings. There are two types of settings: basic and advanced.

The basic setting includes: email confirmation when changing IP addresses; two-factor authentication via SMS, Yubikey, or various authenticator apps; and a backup phrase that allows you to recover your password if it's lost.

The advanced settings are more refined. They include:

  • secondary password;
  • remembering two-factor authentication for a short time;
  • IP Whitelist (you can create a list of your IP addresses, which you can use to log in without two-factor authentication or without an email);
  • login restrictions by IP (allow login only from IP addresses on the IP Whitelist);
  • wallet access through Tor (open/close access for IP addresses from the Tor network);
  • Password Stretching (PBKDF2) (this option increases the difficulty of discovering your password through brute force attacks but slows down the loading and saving of your wallet).

In short, you can maximize the security of your wallet as follows: confirm your email address, verify your mobile phone number, enable two-factor authentication, restrict login by IP address, create a backup phrase for access recovery, and verify it using 12 secret words.


Wallet verification is optional, and the service can be used without it, but verifying your personal data will allow you to open trading limits within the exchange. We believe that this procedure is useless in our case, as currency can be transferred into cryptocurrency using an exchange monitor. Therefore, we will not describe the verification process, and it is quite simple anyway.

The answer to the main question "Is it necessary to undergo verification after or during registration?" – no, it is not necessary.

Pros and Cons

The wallet has the following advantages:

  • user-friendly and intuitive interface;
  • availability of mobile apps for Android and iOS;
  • advanced security features;
  • automatic generation of a new wallet after transactions;
  • access via QR code.

Obviously, no service is perfect and has its drawbacks. For example:

  • the inability to buy cryptocurrency with fiat directly;
  • sometimes increasing transaction fees;
  • a small number of available cryptocurrencies.

Review of

In summary, the wallet is convenient and user-friendly, has an extensive range of security settings, and mobile apps for Android and iOS are available.

There are varying opinions on the security of the reviewed wallet, some say it is not secure enough. Compared to cold wallets, they are right. All web resources are subject to attacks, and is no exception. We have not observed any cases of account hacking in our practice.

The wallet supports not only the exchange or storage of cryptocurrency Bitcoin but also others such as Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Stellar, and USD-Digital. It is possible that we will see new cryptocurrencies soon.

Another advantage is that wallet verification is optional.

We have been using this wallet for many years and have no complaints about its operation, except for sometimes increasing transaction fees.

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