What do HYIPs have in common with fishing and how to avoid becoming an admin's catch?

What do HYIPs have in common with fishing and how to avoid becoming an admin's catch?

Table of Contents

From the Author

In this article, we want to take a fresh and unusual perspective on the HYIP industry. We will compare the high-yield and high-risk business with the calm and serene sport of fishing. This will help many newcomers in understanding and learning about the HYIP industry, and for more experienced players, it may lead to reconsidering certain aspects or strategies in this business.

Role Distribution

Fishing is a widely practiced recreational activity, so most people are familiar with it, making it a great comparison to the complex and risky HYIP business. Let's draw some parallels and assign roles. The admin of a HYIP project will be our fisherman, the fishing rod and gear will be the actual tools (the HYIP website), small fish will represent the majority of investors with small deposits, and finally, big fish will be our large investors, commonly referred to as "whales." But we shouldn't forget about the essential resources for HYIPs, such as monitors and blogs; we can liken them to bodies of water or reservoirs.

The Goal: Why Admins Create Projects

We've assigned roles, now let's determine the goals for each role, and the picture will become clear.

Why do fishermen catch fish? Many would say it's for pleasure, to spend their free time and relax. That's true, but for some, it's their main source of income, determining everything from food to shelter. Now, let's think about why HYIP administrators launch their projects. Is it for pleasure? It's highly unlikely that they do it just to pass the time, although we can't rule out such cases entirely. In most cases, administrators enter the HYIP industry for income, the desire to secure that income. Just like fishermen, HYIP admins want a big catch. They don't want just small fish that are usually fed to cats or thrown away; they aim for big, quality fish. This is where the administrator's main goal comes into play – catching big fish!

Now let's think about why both small and large fish end up in traps and on hooks. It's simple – for sustenance. Just like small and large investors want to increase their savings and look for ways to do so, fish also seek places where they can feed, often unaware of the danger.

Now, let's logically consider how a fisherman can achieve his goal of deceiving and catching cunning and slippery fish. Of course, it's very difficult to do this with bare hands. Imagine an anonymous project admin without a website trying to earn from investors. In such a scenario, catching fish is possible, but only in a specific body of water with ample fish and good bait where there's a chance of catching them with bare hands. However, even then, bait and a body of water are required.

We need to be realists. We need fishing gear, a fishing rod, bait, and various other auxiliary tools. In essence, the admin needs to create a website with design, purchase hosting, a domain, security measures, and more – these are the tools. Coming up with compelling marketing is like providing good bait. If the marketing isn't interesting, the bait won't be of high quality, and the fish won't bite.

Next, just like a fisherman, the admin needs to go out and catch fish. They can go to any river without knowing if there's good fishing there and attempt to catch fish. But what if it's a dead quarry, and there are no fish? Experience is the only thing that can guide you to where to fish and what kind of catch to expect. You can pay for access to a reservoir and fish there, essentially buying a monitor or blog specializing in fish farming. The key point is that bodies of water with a large fish supply or those with excellent maintenance will always have a higher price than simpler, smaller ones. However, the tools and the quality of the bait will always determine the catch.

The Rules of the Fishing Process

Let's move on to the actual process. The admin has created a high-quality project, purchased monitors and blogs, and is using enticing bait. Everything seems fine, right? Not quite. There are other fishermen at the reservoirs with equally good bait and equipment, so the fish have choices, and they think about where to feed and where not to.

What do fishermen do? It's a stroke of luck for those fishermen who arrive at a well-fed location. In other words, admins who create projects that resemble giants both visually and technically and promote them in the same place are fortunate. If the fish are still in that area and haven't left, the only thing left to do is to reel them in. In reality, such locations need to be created. You need to bait and bait persistently and for a long time until the fish forgets about its fears. Where there's a lot of small fish, large fish come. Where there's a lot of large fish, even larger ones follow.

It seems straightforward. The process will take longer for a new location and faster for an established one. The remaining question is how much bait and bait the admin has to catch fish. Can they wait for a large catch, or will they use up all the bait on small fish?

So, our picture is drawn. The project admin pays out to their investors to attract new ones, but most importantly, to attract large investors. For this, they spend a lot of money on renting bodies of water, tools, gear, bait, and bait. The longer they spend and feed, the more fish will come, and the old, satisfied fish will return.

Have you noticed that if an admin does a good job and allows many people to earn, money flows into their next project from the very beginning? This indicates that the place is well-fed, and you remember how good and safe it was there. Here, it's the fisherman's job to reel them in! Of course, fishermen have different appetites, and it's very possible that only a very large fish is awaited; everything else is unimportant. So, they will feed and feed several times until they catch it.

What Conclusions Can We Draw from This Comparison?

Firstly, don't forget the admin's goal – the fisherman needs fish, and the bigger, the more professional the fisherman and their appetite.

Secondly, if big fish have come to where you feed, shouldn't you think about it? Of course, the admin can only catch that big fish and continue to feed the small ones, but maybe they'll catch them all in one net.

Thirdly, for different levels of fishermen, there are different criteria for selecting large fish. For some, an investment of $500 is already a large investor, while for others, $2000 is small. So, you need to roughly know the fisherman's appetite.

Finally, if you find yourself in an unfed place with a fisherman with a very large appetite and demands, you can earn much more there than in a well-fed place with a known admin. That's why early insights about admins in projects are just good bait to gather a lot of fish in one place and reel them in. Having a lot of fish means that the bait will be eaten up quickly, and it will simply run out. Gradual and steady fish growth is an investor's chance for good and long-term earnings, as long as the admin has enough bait to achieve their goal.


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Comments (38)
  1. psv1964 8 October 2023 17:17

    Очень хорошая статья!  Все расписано четко, только надо применять эти знания при инвестировании.

  2. ustfin 15 May 2023 08:34

    Благодарю за полезную статью. На наглядном примере теперь всё более понятно. 

  3. Lumin 13 September 2022 20:28

    Главное в хайпах как и рыбной ловле - это терпение, умение ждать своей прибыли и вовремя уйти с проекта с профитом.

  4. Mihhha 20 May 2022 03:43

    Будем продолжать ждать опытных админов с долгоиграющими проектами.Спасибо за статью!!!

  5. baKira 19 May 2022 08:28

    Интересная статья, зацепила)! Спасибо большое!  

  6. Netor22 19 May 2022 08:24

    Супер статья. Я на одном такой хайпе очень хорошо заработала. Неизвестный админ, рост плавный, % огромный. Отработал 5 дней в + на 120%

  7. Mihhha 7 April 2022 10:39

    Спасибо за статью. Интересная аналогия. 

  8. UdayAS8 18 January 2022 18:50

    It was really a funny and interesting article Admin hhh

    Let's all hope we won't be the largest fish lol

  9. levnks 17 December 2021 18:14

    Спасибо за статью!

  10. Tatarin152152 14 October 2021 19:19

    Спасибо за статью!

  11. MarinaVK 1 September 2021 08:29

  12. tanjs 7 July 2021 23:38

    It was interesting to read on
  13. kiryamalik 8 June 2021 08:48

    Спасибо за статью
  14. gilew455 8 June 2021 08:20

    Спасибо за статью. Увлекаюсь рыбалкой бывает и попадается крупная рыба.)
  15. ilya28087 5 April 2021 10:17

    Спасибо за статью, хоть и рыбалку не люблю, почитать было интересно. Желаю всем чесных рыбаков smile
  16. ira25 5 April 2021 08:06

    Очень поучительная статья, спасибо большое
  17. Andrii12 4 February 2021 09:08

    Отличная статья
  18. Anzhel 4 February 2021 08:23

    Спасибо за статью, мы рыбехи!
  19. AlexanderKudrya8027 25 November 2020 08:24

    хорошая статья спасибо
  20. Robin2020 21 October 2020 18:22

    Спасибо за статью!
  21. BandiCD 16 September 2020 09:25

    Хорошая аллегория и сравнение, ведь так все и есть.
  22. SerGv2 16 September 2020 09:13

    Спасибо за статью.
  23. ScreAm777 16 September 2020 08:39

    Отличная и очень наглядная статья! Спасибо большое!)
  24. delix 24 June 2020 14:23

    Статья хорошая и полезная спасибо)
  25. gilew455 20 November 2019 15:01

    Статья хорошая и полезная спасибо)
  26. Sobatino 20 November 2019 13:17

    Отличное сравнение, все просто и доходчиво)) респект за оригинальность
  27. Anzhel 27 September 2019 17:53

    Рыбки и рыбаки, хорошее сравнение для понимания) отличная статья!)
  28. n1kto253 19 August 2019 16:19

    Хорошая статья, жаль раньше с ней не ознакомился) И подход с таким сравнением хорошо усваивается)
  29. 4difeer666 1 July 2019 22:16

    Конечно мы рыбы,зарабатывают только самые мудрые
  30. matrix2000 1 July 2019 16:51

    Отличаемся только набитым брюхом)

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